Can it be that the coming machine is to be a unicycle? |
Aus "The Bicycling World", Ausgabe vom 8. August 1884:
About a month ago, two boys of sixteen, William Dinwiddie and Howard Seely, had the misfortune to break the backbone of their machines. Being enthusiastic riders, who spent all their spare time on the wheel, they were at a loss for occupation; and it was rather to pass the time than with any view to actual results, that they began to practice on the "big wheel" in the loft of the Seely stable, where they had perhaps thirty feet of clear space. Aiding each other, they soon became able to ride across the room and into the wall successfully, and then essayed to show their accomplishment on the street.
After three weeks of practice, the result is as follows: These two boys, although they have toe use of other machines, prefer the monocycle, and may be seen any day traversing the streets, and perfectly at home upon their wheels. Master Dinwiddie, who lives some three miles from the National Museum, where he is an assistant in the Electrical department, rides back and forth daily, crossing numerous car tracks and rough block pavement with perfect safety.
Being personally interested in one of the boys, I have watched his efforts with great interest and some apprehension. He mounts unassisted, and rides successfully up and down a curb measuring between five and six inches. His longest ride without a dismount is three and a half miles, over all kinds of pavement, and he can hold a pace of eight miles an hour without apparent difficulty. Both boys have tried saddles, and have discarded them, preferring to stand on the pedals. Both have ridden up and down Capitol Hill a grade of one foot in fourteen, with less trouble, they declare, than upon their complete machines. Master Dinwiddlie rides a 48-inch and Master Seely a 50-inch wheel.
Their performances are considered remarkable here, and, in the present state of one-wheel riding, should, I think, be placed on record.
By - L. W. Seely, Washington, 2 August 1884