The Home-Page of Penny-Farthing Riders!

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Saisoneröffnung 2001

Welcome to the Home Page of Penny-Farthing Riders!

Dear Visitors,
This site is made by an Austrian group of penny-farthing riders. I have translated parts of it to English, but keep in mind that it is a translation of a German site. Some of the jokes will be difficult to understand.
Please accept our apologies for this.

If you find any mistakes, don't hesitate to inform me. I'm not a professional translator.

You can just check out for the pictures here, or get in contact with other penny-farthing riders.
But mainly we want to popularize Penny Farthing riding!
Not only in Vienna - where this page originates, mainly - but the whole world!

Therefor we answer the following questions:

Who the hell rides penny-farthings?
Why ride penny-farthings?
How can I own a penny-farthing?

Further you may search for dates of coming events, or browse through the reports of past Penny-Farthing events. If these events are not past enough for you, you might be interested in our pages about Penny Farthing history and read articles on Penny Farthing history there or search in our database of historic Penny Farthings for originals of these bikes. You find a Penny-Farthing riding course - which should not be taken to seriously - on our riding technique pages.
If you now what you're looking for, we recommend our search-function!
Those who ride Penny-Farthing can add themselfe to our Who rides Penny-Farthing-page by using this form, and if you own a historic Penny-Farthing you might want to add it to our database of historic Penny Farthings!
We also offer pages for those interested in stunts - and unicyclists will find interesting stuff as well.
Besides, if you do not yet have a menu-bar on the left side of the screen, just click here, and if you do have this menu-bar, you may click on the Penny-Farthing rider in the left upper corner to return to this page. The main photo should change any time you do so - another way to browse through the pictures of our pages.

All righ then, have fun on our pages - and do not forget to visit our guestbook.

Contact us | Penny Farthing - Home | WUK - Fahrrad - Selbsthilfe | WUK - Home page
Who - Why - How - FASQ | Pictures - Unicycle | Guest-book - Contact - Excursions - Chronicle - Links
Gallery - Riding technique - Technique - Stunts | Dates - Routs - Reports